Predator Safari

DATE  4 – 14 November 2025 (10 days) x1 SEAT LEFT
TOUR LEADER Greg du Toit
GENRE wildlife
FEE 16,995 USD from Nairobi, Kenya
DEPOSIT 2,500 USD per person
GROUP SIZE 6 guests
SINGLE SUPPL. 2,795 USD for a single room
LEVEL all experience levels

We have just 1 opening left on this tour for a single traveler in a single room. Please fill out the booking form at the bottom of the page to join Greg on this wonderful safari in Kenya!

This tour to the Masai Mara is planned to take place AFTER the migration in November, the start of the rainy season. This means the grass will still be short but getting greener, the predators will be hungry, and the skies will be amazing. It also means the big herds of tourists have left. At Squiver, we like people but we prefer them in small doses!

We already mentioned it before: this tour is planned to take place at the best time of the year which turns out to conflict with our existing schedule. That’s why we have asked our favorite gun-for-hire to run this tour for us: Greg du Toit. Greg is one of the world’s best wildlife photographers and Africa’s second-best — just a few levels below Marsel, obviously. Kenya is Greg’s second home away from home, so he knows his way around, and the lions and leopards actually greet him when he drives past. This makes the predator photography a lot more productive.

As the name already suggests, we will ignore the birds and go straight for the predators. We will focus on anything with sharp teeth and a lust for blood: lions, cheetahs, and leopards primarily. When the opportunity presents itself to shoot other wildlife in epic conditions, we will obviously not miss it. Greg will take just 6 guests with him on this trip and we’ve organised 2 private vehicles, so everyone has their own row of seats. We actually don’t need to mention it — it’s standard on all Squiver safaris!

We have selected three different locations in the Mara which will give you different experiences as to the type of camp, location and animals. The geographic spread takes you to the Mara triangle, which is generally quieter in terms of other vehicles. The second area is around Rekero/Talek. This is generally considered cat rich being in the centre of the reserve and among the core territories of several lion prides, leopard, and has regular cheetah sightings as well. Then we go to Naboisho, which is a conservancy. This allows freedoms not necessarily available in the reserve and triangle. Naboisho also has a very high number of lions, as well as good leopard and cheetah sightings.

We will fly you to our first camp, with is a mobile tented camp set up privately for our group at a location hand-picked by Greg inside the Mara triangle. No, no, no… don’t think tent and wave goodbye… The mobile tented camps they set up in Kenya are really great. There will be no roughing it on this trip! The tents have a lot of atmosphere, and you’ll have all the luxuries you need, like a flush toilet, a proper bed and hot water. The food is great and there is a highly dedicated staff looking after you.

After three nights in the mobile camp you will drive to Rekero which is in the heart of the Mara triangle. Rekero is a tented camp with just 9 rooms, situated into a grove of trees on the Talek River, with access to the main river crossing points above the Talek River junction and lower crossing points. This central part of the Reserve is rich in game, and cats are plentiful. And you are also close to possibly the best area in the Mara to find caracal, as well as the cats of the Ol Keju Rongai stream system. The immediate vicinity is phenomenal for game, but you are also in striking range of other well-known areas such as Musiara crossing point and the Ol Keju Rongai system and grasslands. We will be free to dictate our schedule and make the most of the time available to us. Inside the reserve, we have some time constraints in the mornings and evenings but nothing that should affect our game viewing too much.

After three nights in Rekero, you will be taken to Naboisho Camp, which is also run by Asilia camps. Technically, it’s a a tented camp but you’ll see it’s just a technical term for the outside wall of your room. It’s a stunning location with just 9 rooms. We selected Naboisho Camp because it’s located in the private Mara Naboisho Conservancy. This means only camps located inside the conservancy can do their game drives in this area. The conservancy is home to one of the highest densities of lion in Africa, large herds of elephant, resident leopard and a variety of plains game. The border to the Masai Mara is unfenced, allowing animals to move freely between the reserve and the conservancy. Naboisho Conservancy provides the perfect combination of phenomenal game viewing and exclusivity. As the Mara Naboisho Conservancy is independent of the Masai Mara Reserve, the rules of the reserve do not apply to the conservancy. This allows for us to take advantage of the cover darkness, see nocturnal creatures venture out from their daytime hiding places, and we are more flexible in terms of gamedrive times.

This 10-day predator tour brings you the highlights of the Mara in the off-season. Greg du Toit will be your tour leader, and those who have traveled with him before know he’s not only a joy to travel with, but he has a wealth of knowledge both about photography and the wildlife.


• accommodation (9 nights)
• all meals and drinks, apart from premium brands
• all meals and all drinks in the safari camps (full board)
• 2 flights between Nairobi and the Mara
• extended luggage allowance (40kg in stead of the standard 20 kg)
• transfer between the camps
• highly experienced guides
• all park fees (just to give you an idea: the included fees are over 2,500 USD per person for this 10 day safari!)
• photographic tutoring and in the field instructions by Greg
• image reviews
• lots of fun!


• international flight
• travel and cancellation insurance
• gratuities

Please read our Terms & Conditions for all Squiver photo tours.

If you would like to take out cancellation insurance, it needs to be arranged upon booking. You can get cancellation insurance through a third party, or we can arrange it for you if you live in The Netherlands, Belgium or Germany. For more information go to: